The story on how I got 4 cats...part 4

Three cats are more than enough for one person right? Nope. There are never enough cats, I think. Once Luna came into the picture I really believed that was it for me. I was still going to continue helping other cats find a home and help as much as possible in Mas Nou Gats. I was very happy with my three girls, I still missed Oreo but had learned to live with the pain of not having her with me. After seeing various cases of cats and kittens that needed foster homes, I decided that I could help out that way, I knew it wouldn't be easy but I felt I could do it for a bit. One day, I was scrolling through my Facebook when I see a post from Mas Nou Gats saying they needed an urgent foster home for a kitten that had arrived. He was a special case because his health wasn't the best, and he needed surgery once he was old enough. He was a feral kitten, so he needed someone to help him adapt to human touch and living indoors and such. He seemed like a very cute kitten and at first g...