Lilo ... The Ninja Cat
Lilo my little troublemaker/ninja/adventurer. She is Nina and Oreo's blood sister and she is 3 1/2 just like Nina (of course right?). She is all black and because she has a white spot on her chest she isn't considered a solid black cat. A peculiar thing that Lilo has is her tail. When they found her, she had her tail a bit broken, towards the center and then at the tip, it looks like a bent licorice stick. Ever since the day I saw the picture of the sisters, as I call them, I knew I would get Lilo because black cats are the hardest to get adopted here in Spain as well as other places. She had blue eyes when she was a kitten, was very playful and would get into places she shouldn't, and then looks at me like “what did I do?” Lilo and Oreo were extremely close as kittens (Nina was more of a lone ranger). Whenever one was sleeping, the other would be cuddled up right next to her. They would always play together and were inseparable. That's why I believe t...
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