The story on how I got 4 cats...part 2

On the last post, I explained how I got to know about my 3 girls and how I ended up having them. Now this post today will be a bit heartbreaking and it is extremely difficult for me to talk about it, however, it is part of the story on how I got 4 cats.

The girls were doing great. They were eating well, gaining weight and were extremely happy which made me happy. It was such an amazing feeling to come back home from work and see them greet me at the door. And look how cute they were too! 

However, all this happiness sadly ended one night when they were around 3 months old. The night little Oreo passed away. As they say, she crossed the rainbow bridge. I won't explain how it happened or add any details but all I can say is that I up to this day, consider it the worse day of my life. I had never, ever felt the pain I felt that night and until this day I remember it as if it was yesterday. 

My family came immediately to be with me in this extremely difficult moment which I immensely appreciated it. I had to take some days off because I felt devastated, every single day I felt like I was missing a part of me. And seeing how Lilo and Nina reacted to it, it was horrible. The would search for their sister everywhere, meow for her and you could tell they knew what had happened. 

Oreo was actually the closest to me. She would cuddle up with me every second she could. She'd follow me to the bathroom and patiently wait for me while I showered. She was sweet and very playful. I'd say she was a mix of Nina's sweetness and Lilo's playfulness. 
Oreo was closest to Lilo, wherever one went, the other followed. The also actually looked like siblings, unlike Nina that was very different. Oreo would protect her sisters and was the one in charge all the time. When she passed away, Nina and Lilo really felt it. 

I wrote to Sonia, the lady of the cat association to explain to her what had happened. She was also devastated. And she also gave me some tips on how to make this feeling slowly go away or to just learn to live with it. She also helped me understand that I will never, ever forget about Oreo, which is very true. 

Sonia also told me that a way some people cope is to adopt another kitty if I thought it would be best for me and the girls, and so I thought about it for about 2 weeks. I also spoke to other cat owners to hear different opinions, as well as read several forums online about this. And then I decided that yes, I would like to adopt another kitten. It wasn't to replace Oreo, because that was impossible, but it was to give a chance to another kitten that needed a home.

And so my process to get my third kitten started. And that story shall be told in part 3! For now, I want to just say that Oreo will always be in my heart. And if you have lost a furbaby, it won't just go away. It will sting, hurt, it will hurt so much but then you will be ok and be able to see some pictures without crying. Well, not as much. 

R.I.P. Oreo, June 2015 - September 2015


  1. It is very sad to hear that Oreo passed away the way she did, I can't imagine either how the other two must have felt too.
    It's a shame that we can't get to know this lovely cat. Salute to Oreo!


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