The story on how I got 4 cats...part 1
Many people ask me why I have 4 cats. Some say I'm insane, some think it is way too many cats for one household. So here is the 4 part story of how I got 4 cats...
Whenever someone asks me if I own a pet, my immediate answer is yes, because I love letting people know I have pets. Then the two usual questions happen right after:
"What kind of pet?"
"Cats? How many?"
At that moment depending on whom I am speaking to, I really struggle to answer at times. When I say I have 4 cats, people tend to react in so many different ways. I've seen people freak out, people laugh, people step away from me, people yell and so on. If I have time I do briefly explain why I have four cats. It's not like I got them all at once nor did I ever plan or think about having four cats at once. So here's the story on how I got 4 amazing cats with me.
In the summer of 2015, I was speaking to a friend about missing having pets at home. I was no longer living with my parents and not having a pet around was really hard for me. I have grown up having pets ever since I can remember and I just really needed one. I thought about having a bunny, which I had had one when I was living in the States, as well as maybe getting a cat. I love dogs and have had dogs as pets but my health wasn't at it's greatest and so I would not be able to take him/her out for walks. I wasn't sure what kind of pet I wanted but I was sure I wanted to adopt one from a shelter, not buy one at a pet store.
A couple of days later my friend messages me telling me her friend found 3 kittens abandoned in a parking lot. She had called a cat association and they had taken them to make sure they were ok and to try to find them a good home when they were ready. I immediately said I wanted 2 of them (3 seemed like a lot) because it just seemed like the right opportunity.
I immediately called Sonia, the lady that was in charge of the association, which is called: Gats del Mas Nou, and she gave me some basic information on the adoption process. Then she sent me the following pictures of the 3 kittens they had found. There was a black and white one, a tabby one and a black one which was camera shy. You can only imagine how I felt seeing these tiny kittens. She mentioned they were about 3 weeks old, all female and were healthy, which made me extremely happy.
After filling out some adoption paperwork and sending in some basic paperwork they needed, she called me again to tell me that I was approved to adopt! I had already started buying toys and things for them. And so she the following: "You said you only wanted 2 cats, have you decided which 2 you want?" I had done some research and had read that black cats are hardest to get adopted, but that the tabby one will most likely get adopted, so I said I would like the black one and the black and white one.
After explaining to her my reason on why I chose them she did agree with the information I read, however, a doubt popped into my mind and I asked her: "When I get the 2 kittens, what will happen to their sister?" She mentioned that they had to be away from other cats for a certain period of time because cat litters have different bacteria from each other and mixing her with another litter or cat could be risky. This meant that she had to be alone for a couple of weeks without any kind of interaction with other cats. Knowing this broke my heart, and then I knew I wanted all 3 of them because I didn't have the heart to separate them. I can not explain how happy she was to hear that I wanted all 3 of them and the reason why.
I had to travel to Madrid that following weekend so we arranged for her to bring them the Monday I got back. My family was extremely happy because they knew how much I needed this. And so I named them: Nina, the tabby one, Lilo, the black one, and Oreo, the black and white one. During my trip to Madrid I could not stop thinking about them arriving on Monday. Sonia sent me the following pictures of them because I constantly asked here how they were doing. Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, they were taken quickly and the girls would not stay still.

The trip went by and then Monday came. I had everything ready for them, their litter box, their food, their food bowls, blankets, toys, scratching post, as many things as I could get for them, they were there. And then they came. The newest additions to the family: Nina, Oreo and Lilo. They were tiny and simply adorable, I was instantly in love with them.

Whenever someone asks me if I own a pet, my immediate answer is yes, because I love letting people know I have pets. Then the two usual questions happen right after:
"What kind of pet?"
"Cats? How many?"
At that moment depending on whom I am speaking to, I really struggle to answer at times. When I say I have 4 cats, people tend to react in so many different ways. I've seen people freak out, people laugh, people step away from me, people yell and so on. If I have time I do briefly explain why I have four cats. It's not like I got them all at once nor did I ever plan or think about having four cats at once. So here's the story on how I got 4 amazing cats with me.
In the summer of 2015, I was speaking to a friend about missing having pets at home. I was no longer living with my parents and not having a pet around was really hard for me. I have grown up having pets ever since I can remember and I just really needed one. I thought about having a bunny, which I had had one when I was living in the States, as well as maybe getting a cat. I love dogs and have had dogs as pets but my health wasn't at it's greatest and so I would not be able to take him/her out for walks. I wasn't sure what kind of pet I wanted but I was sure I wanted to adopt one from a shelter, not buy one at a pet store.
A couple of days later my friend messages me telling me her friend found 3 kittens abandoned in a parking lot. She had called a cat association and they had taken them to make sure they were ok and to try to find them a good home when they were ready. I immediately said I wanted 2 of them (3 seemed like a lot) because it just seemed like the right opportunity.

After filling out some adoption paperwork and sending in some basic paperwork they needed, she called me again to tell me that I was approved to adopt! I had already started buying toys and things for them. And so she the following: "You said you only wanted 2 cats, have you decided which 2 you want?" I had done some research and had read that black cats are hardest to get adopted, but that the tabby one will most likely get adopted, so I said I would like the black one and the black and white one.
After explaining to her my reason on why I chose them she did agree with the information I read, however, a doubt popped into my mind and I asked her: "When I get the 2 kittens, what will happen to their sister?" She mentioned that they had to be away from other cats for a certain period of time because cat litters have different bacteria from each other and mixing her with another litter or cat could be risky. This meant that she had to be alone for a couple of weeks without any kind of interaction with other cats. Knowing this broke my heart, and then I knew I wanted all 3 of them because I didn't have the heart to separate them. I can not explain how happy she was to hear that I wanted all 3 of them and the reason why.
I had to travel to Madrid that following weekend so we arranged for her to bring them the Monday I got back. My family was extremely happy because they knew how much I needed this. And so I named them: Nina, the tabby one, Lilo, the black one, and Oreo, the black and white one. During my trip to Madrid I could not stop thinking about them arriving on Monday. Sonia sent me the following pictures of them because I constantly asked here how they were doing. Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, they were taken quickly and the girls would not stay still.

The trip went by and then Monday came. I had everything ready for them, their litter box, their food, their food bowls, blankets, toys, scratching post, as many things as I could get for them, they were there. And then they came. The newest additions to the family: Nina, Oreo and Lilo. They were tiny and simply adorable, I was instantly in love with them.

Back in time, 1 year before this story started, there was a name: Milo!!!