Three cats are more than enough for one person right? Nope. There are never enough cats, I think. Once Luna came into the picture I really believed that was it for me. I was still going to continue helping other cats find a home and help as much as possible in Mas Nou Gats. I was very happy with my three girls, I still missed Oreo but had learned to live with the pain of not having her with me. After seeing various cases of cats and kittens that needed foster homes, I decided that I could help out that way, I knew it wouldn't be easy but I felt I could do it for a bit.
One day, I was scrolling through my Facebook when I see a post from Mas Nou Gats saying they needed an urgent foster home for a kitten that had arrived. He was a special case because his health wasn't the best, and he needed surgery once he was old enough. He was a feral kitten, so he needed someone to help him adapt to human touch and living indoors and such. He seemed like a very cute kitten and at first glance, he seemed "normal."
Then, I saw the other pictures and understood why he needed surgery.
As you can see, his eye was not ok, they needed to remove it once he was old enough to survive the surgery. I didn't think I would be able to foster this kitten seeing all of the attention he needed, however, several days passed and they needed someone as soon as possible. He was in their vet waiting for a foster home and my heart melted. I spoke to Sonia, from Mas Nou and she explained all the risks of caring for him and all of the challenges about having him at my apartment with my three girls.
I thought about it for some days and then called Sonia to tell her I could do it. We arranged for a day to bring him and meanwhile, I prepared my guest room with all of his basic needs. I bought him some toys, a blanket, food, and some other things. And so I was ready for Peke to arrive the next day. However, I received a call from Sonia that night telling me Peke wasn't well and he may not make it through the night. My heartfelt crushed. I couldn't help but feel guilty for not taking him in sooner. And so the wait began. In a couple of days he got better and then the big day came!
He was such a little piranha. He loved biting and scratching and he just would not stop moving. He would flinch at the touch of my hand and didn't understand that biting hurt...a lot. It was difficult not to let him be with the girls because I was scared someone could get hurt. And so I set up a camera in the bedroom he was in so I could check in on him at night or when I was out. I couldn't sleep with him because he would pounce and scratch me the minute I laid next to him.
I wasn't his owner, I was his foster home, however, this little kitten stole my heart. I saw from day one how much love he needed and then how much he changed into this loving, sweet, playful, kind of still crazy cat. Just the thought that he might get taken to another home made me feel so sad. I would see how well he got along with the girls and I made that decision. I decided to adopt Peke to my family.
When I told Sonia she was beyond excited. She had seen how much I loved Peke and cared for him. As well as how much he had gotten attached to me and the girls. Nina would treat him as her own kitten, Lilo was his play buddy and Luna...well, Luna isn't very close to him but accepts to nap with him here and there. I will go more in depth with Peke's condition and eye surgery experience, but for now, I leave you with what my little pirate looks like as of today. Isn't he handsome?
Having four cats wasn't in my plans, and it's not an easy task but I love them with all of my heart and try to give them the best I can. They each have their own personalities, likes, dislikes, and even bad days but they love each other as well which makes me happy.
This is how I got to have four cats. The story of Nina, the queen, Lilo, the ninja, Luna, the princess and Peke, the pirate.
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