Lilo ... The Ninja Cat

Lilo my little troublemaker/ninja/adventurer. She is Nina and Oreo's blood sister and she is 3 1/2 just like Nina (of course right?). She is all black and because she has a white spot on her chest she isn't considered a solid black cat. A peculiar thing that Lilo has is her tail. When they found her, she had her tail a bit broken, towards the center and then at the tip, it looks like a bent licorice stick. 

Ever since the day I saw the picture of the sisters, as I call them, I knew I would get Lilo because black cats are the hardest to get adopted here in Spain as well as other places. She had blue eyes when she was a kitten, was very playful and would get into places she shouldn't, and then looks at me like “what did I do?”

Lilo and Oreo were extremely close as kittens (Nina was more of a lone ranger). Whenever one was sleeping, the other would be cuddled up right next to her. They would always play together and were inseparable. That's why I believe that compared to Nina, she was more affected by Oreo's death.

Growing up Lilo has always been the one that gets into and onto places she shouldn't. On a daily basis I'd say that I say the phrase: "Lilo, how did you get there?" or "Lilo, why did you smash my expensive antique vase?" at least 2 times. I really do wonder why and how she got onto places like my curtain rods. Why Lilo? Why must you give me constant heart attacks?

Another curious thing from Lilo is what we have named her "Rolling Meow." I had never noticed this peculiarity of Lilo until it was brought to my attention. Now, this meow is one that maybe other cats do but at least from mine, she's the only one. She would purr and meow at the same time, making it sound like the Spanish rolling RR sound. Every time she does this, I can't help but laugh a bit because I find it extremely amusing.

If you have cats and work from home you know it can be challenging at times. And the number one cat-related challenge I get is from Lilo. I will be on my laptop, like now, and she will want me to pay attention to her and pet her. That's ok and understandable and I do give in to SOME pets, however, that's never enough for her. And when I really can't stop because I'm meeting a deadline, she will not only meow at you with her rolling meow which as mentioned, makes me laugh. You'd think that's already a big distraction but she doesn't stop there. She will walk to your hand and start rubbing her face on it and lay near them while purring away. Sounds cute but when you're working on a deadline, it sure doesn't feel cute ... well, maybe a little to be honest. Ok, very much cute. 

Lilo has grown fond of two weird things: bread and chips. She will see me eating a slice of bread or even some pizza and will sit there staring you down for just a bit, and it won't be any piece, it needs to be soft and not the crust. Then when she hears a bag of chips or a can of Pringles being opened, she will run to beg for some as well. I never taught her this so I have no idea where she got it from, though I can’t argue with loving pizza. 

Lilo and Nina are the only cats that are blood-related and at times you can tell (although Nina is the size of a jet engine). They have a very special bond that they don't have with any other of my cats. I am so happy I didn't separate them when kittens because they wouldn't have been able to witness this love between them.

Lilo is my little chip, bread eating troublemaker but boy do I love her.


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